United Kingdom Directory

Site Listings

bmbo.org.uk: Bmbo - British Mountain Bike Orienteering
Governing and organising body for the sport, with details of membership, national leagues and results, information about national teams, newsletters, and contacts.

britishorienteering.org.uk: British Orienteering
Site provides an overview of the organization, an introduction to orienteering, downloads, news, and a club locator.

orienteeringengland.org.uk: Orienteeringengland.Org.Uk
Responsible for English national orienteering teams. Provides information about competitions, with results, links to their regional branches, and contacts.

maprunner.org.uk: Maprunner
Offers routes and maps and explains the orienteering map symbols with downloads and images.

niorienteering.org.uk: Ni Orienteering - Noticeboard
Member of the Federation of Irish Orienteering Associations, and governing body promoting and supporting the sport. Includes events and results, list of courses, news...

forum.nopesport.com: Nopesport.Com
Online orienteering community facilitates discussions and information sharing on a variety of orienteering topics including travel, reviews, and the UK Relay League and ...

scottish-orienteering.org: Scottish Orienteering
Governing and organising body for the sport; includes a directory of clubs, information about coaching and championships, fixtures and results, and a library of ...

welshorienteering.org.uk: Woa - Welsh Orienteering Association
Governing body of the sport in Wales, and a constituent association of the British Orienteering Federation; includes details of events and competitions, news, and a ...

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