Results 16 - 30 [ Page: 1 2 3 ] for THEATER Bubblemania!
An extremely unique program combining high energy entertainment with artistic achievement, BubbleMania is loaded with visual comedy, quick wit, big band swing music and...
Keywords: bubble, bubble show, bubblemania, bubblemania, bubblemania, bubble-mania, bubble-ology, bubbles, bubbleshow, mania, theater
Listed under: Performers The World Of Mime Theatre
Mime Theatre Education, Information, and Contacts Around the World
Keywords: drama, dramatic arts, mime, mime theater, mime theatre, mimes, pantomime, pantomimist, theater, theatre, theatrical mime
Listed under: Mime Spoleto Festival Usa 2011 - Welcome!
For 17 days and nights each spring, Spoleto Festival USA fills Charleston, South Carolinas historic theaters, churches, and outdoor spaces with over 120 performances by r...
Keywords: chamber, charleston, choral, dance, festival, jazz, music, music theater, opera, sc, south carolina, spoleto, symphonic, theater
Listed under: Festivals De Kleine Academie
A school for creative artists of all disciplines and particularly for theatre makers: actors, writers and directors.
Keywords: academie, acteur, architectuur, beweging, brussel, creatief, dans, muziek, opleiding, opvoering, school, theater, toneel
Listed under: By Region Leaden Skies
Leaden Skies is a new work of physical theatre that deals with the horrors of the holocaust through choreography, music, and text. The subject matter is grim, but Leade...
Keywords: concentration camp, holocaust, jewish, leaden skies, martin a david, physical theatre, theater, theatre, zog nit keynmol
Listed under: By Culture Movie And Tv Trivia. "Soooo, You Think You ...
Choose from several trivia categories; Sitcoms, Westerns, Disney, HBO, Kid Movies, Animals, Sports, Oscar Winners, Gangsters, Celebrity updates, Quizzes, Spoofs, Musicals...
Keywords: 1960, bonus, cinema, entertainment, films, free, fun, hollywood, movies, musicals, quiz, sitcoms, submit, test, theater, trivia, tv, westerns
Listed under: Trivia Architecture - Design Books
Books on Architecture, Design, Homeplanning, Building, Remodeling and Renovation.
Keywords: architecture, bathroom, building, dcorating, design, home, homeplanning, remodeling, renovation, theater
Listed under: Design Toy Puppet Theater - Role Play &Amp; Costumes - Compare ...
Toy Puppet Theater - 110 results like the Melissa and Doug 2530 Deluxe Puppet Theater, Super Star Theater, Guidecraft G51061 Center Stage Tabletop Puppet Theater, Step 2...
Keywords: best, buy, compare, costumes, guide, lowest, price, prices, reviews, role play &
Listed under: Toy Theater World Festival Of Puppet Art
Since 1996 the World Festival of Puppet Art has welcomed Puppeteers from all over the World to meet and share their craft in Prague—the Heart of Europe
Keywords: art, culture, dance, drama, festival, forum, music, performing, stage, theater, theatre, tour, travel
Listed under: Festivals Chatterbox Audio Theater - Home | Chatterbox ...
In honor of Valentine's Day, we're debuting a bold new series! "The Human Experience" is a documentary series that uses numerous voices to explore universal themes.
Listed under: Theater Audio Theater
Audio Theater, Radio Drama, Audio Entertainment, Mind Movies
Keywords: audio entertainment, audio theater, audio theatre, radio drama
Listed under: Theater Cultural Vibz
This blog was created as part of a course assignment on the creative industries in Jamaica. Do you think that investment in the creative industries may be the way to s...
Keywords: architecture, art, craft, creative industries, design, jamaica, music, performing arts, publishing, radio, television, theater
Listed under: Caribbean Hta: Home Theater Alliance
Helping to promote sensible standards for the audio and video home theater community.
Listed under: Home Theater Spoleto Festival Usa &Raquo; Home
For 17 days and nights each spring, Spoleto Festival USA fills Charleston, South Carolinas historic theaters, churches, and outdoor spaces with over 120 performances by r...
Keywords: chamber, charleston, choral, dance, festival, music, music theater, opera, sc, south carolina, spoleto, symphonic, theater
Listed under: Performing Arts Fountainhead Tanz Theatre/Black ...
We are an international, intercultural community of persons, engaged in achieving increasing understanding and co-operation between individuals and groups through art, ed...
Keywords: cinema, film, filmfestival, interdisziplinaer, interkulturell, international, movies, publikationen, tanz, theater, video
Listed under: Movies

Results 16 - 30 [ Page: 1 2 3 ] for THEATER