archaeologist Directory Biographies
The Biographies contain short biographies on anthropologists, archaeologists, linguists, and other scientists that have influenced the field of anthropology.
Keyword: anthropologists , archaeologists , biographies , boas , exhibit , fossy , kroeber , leakey , linguists , mankato , mead , minnesota , sapir , strong Archaeology Wordsmith
Features solutions for archaeology editors or writers by providing a reference glossary.
Keyword: archaeological , archaeologist , archaeology , archeology , dictionary , reports , research , words , wordsmith , writing Biographies
The Biographies contain short biographies on anthropologists, archaeologists, linguists, and other scientists that have influenced the field of anthropology.
Keyword: anthropologists , archaeologists , biographies , boas , exhibit , fossy , kroeber , leakey , linguists , mankato , mead , minnesota , sapir , strong World Archaeological Congress [Beta]
The World Archaeological Congress is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization and is the only archaeological organisation with elected global representation. Its programs are run by members who give their time in a voluntary capacity.
Keyword: archaeological , archaeologist , archaeology , archeological , archeologist , archeology , cultural , cultural heritage , news

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