atheism Directory Frostcloud
Forum and social network for discussing philosophy, politics, science, and culture.
Keyword: atheism , culture , god , immortality , internet , jesus , logic , nanotechnology , philosophy , politics , reason , religion , science , technology Abraham Lincoln, Deist, And Admirer Of Thomas Paine
Chapter from the book "Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents," by Franklin Steiner (1936). Relates opinions of Lincoln's friends and biographers regarding the nature of his belief.
Keyword: atheism , atheist , athiesm , athiest , freethinker , freethought , humanism , humanist , positive atheism , positive athiesm Agnosticism / Atheism - Skepticism & Atheism For Atheists & Agnostics
Agnosticism & Atheism: articles and news on atheism, atheists, agnosticism, agnostics, freethought, religion, philosophy, skepticism, critical thinking, separation of church and state, evolution vs. creationism, atheist philosophy, and much more - all
Keyword: agnosticism , agnostics , atheism , atheists , freethought , humanism , religion , separation , skepticism , theism , theists A Refutation Of Religion
A Refutation of Religion - An essay in defence of an Atheist Agnostic viewpoint, the refutation aims to illustrate that belief in God and Religion is untenable and should be abandoned in favour of Atheism - Agnosticism.
Keyword: agnostic , agnosticism , atheism , atheism , refutation , refutation of religion , religion Philosophy Of Religion
The philosophy of religion demystified. Explores arguments for and against theism, atheism and agnosticism, including the classic proofs and disproofs of God's existence.
Keyword: argument , atheism , christian , existence , god , philosophy , religion , theism Atheist Alliance International - Welcome!
Atheist Alliance International (AAI) is the umbrella organization of atheist groups and individuals around the world committed to promoting and defending reason and the atheist worldview.
Keyword: agnosticism atheism , ateist , atheism , atheism and agnosticism , atheist alliance , atheists , athiest , athiests Philosophukking With Your Head Since 2010
Left/libertarian/anarchist/atheist commentary and thought pieces. There's plenty to get your teeth into from "Why Individualism Failed & Woodrow Wilson is a C*nt" to "How supporting your local co-op is more effective than overthrowing the government"
Keyword: anarchism , atheism , left libertarianism , philosophy , politics , postanarchism , poststructualism Great Minds: Atheist Quotes
atheism quotes from famous celebrity atheists and freethinkers, Einstein, Jefferson, Marx, Freud, Neitzsche
Keyword: atheism , atheist quote , einstein , famous atheist , famous quote , inspirational quote , quotes , thomas jefferson Quotes On Atheism
A collection of quotes on the subject of atheism.
Keyword: atheism , quotes

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