ftm Directory

butch-femme.net: Butch-Femme Network
Serving the needs of Butches, Femmes, Transgendered men and women around the world, includes vast online resources.
Keyword: butch , butch-femme , femme , ftm , gay , queer , r butch-femme lesbian , stonebutch , stonefemme , tranny , transgende , transman , transmen

ftmaustralia.org: Ftm Australia
FTM Australia provides resources and health information for all men (identified 'female' at birth), their family members, friends, and healthcare providers since 2001in Australia.
Keyword: affirmed sex , f2m , female at birth , female to male , female-to-male , ftm , ftm , ftm , ftom , how to transition , mtm

bryanxy.com: Bryan Xy (Dot) Com ≫≫ Going Strong Since 2005
Bryan XY is a comprehensive and personal educational website about female to male gender transitioning.
Keyword: f2m , female to male , ftm , gender change , gender transition , gender transitioning , m2f , male to female , sex change , transition

transfamily.org: Transfamily **Under Construction**
TransFamily Cleveland, a support group for transgendered people, their parents, partners, family members, friends, and supportive others providing referrals, literature, and information on transgender issues.
Keyword: ftm , gender issue support groups , gid , hrt , mtf , srs , straight spouse , transfamily of cleveland , transgender , transsexual

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