345Th Intergalactic Ambulance Wing Explores fractal spriituality, narrative therapy and communication skills from a science fiction point of view. Keyword: alien , books , communication , explore , exploring , fiction , flying , fractal , movies , saucer , science , skills , spriituality , technology , ufo Jeff Rense Program Provides UFO talk and political intrigue all seven nights a week along with special guests. Keyword: 911 , aliens , flying saucers , freedom , harry potter , jpg , justice , liberty , mp3 , mp3 , mpeg , pix , spacecraft , tesla , ufo , ufos The Anomalist: The Anomalist is a daily review of world news on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, and unexpected discoveries. Keyword: aliens , anomalies , anomalist , bigfoot , charles fort , flying saucers , high strangeness , paranormal , the anomalist , ufos Add Site or Add URL to Submit Site to the saucer Directory |