Schreibmedium Andrea Kleinert Channel- und Schreibmedium Andrea Kleinert holt die Antworten auf Ihre Fragen im Channeling aus der jenseitigen Welt. Auch sind Jenseitskontakte möglich. Keyword: andrea kleinert , channeling , hellsehen , jenseitskontakt , medium , schreibmedium , wahrsagen C R I T I C I S M The new theory contains only radiation. Particles consist of mono-rays in form of spiral-field-cords; which bent extremely itself; comes together to a circle; and is fusing phase-exactly to a ring-process. Keyword: action of quantity , classic physics , einstein , gravity , light quanta , physics , planck , quantum physics , schr?dinger Erwin Schrodinger (Austrian Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Erwin Schrodinger (Austrian physicist), Aug. 12, 1887Vienna, Austria Jan. 4, 1961ViennaAustrian theoretical physicist who contributed to the wave theory of matter and to other fundamentals of quantum mechanics. Keyword: britannica , encyclopaedia , encyclopedia , erwin schrodinger (austrian physicist) Add Site or Add URL to Submit Site to the schr Directory |