epoch Directory

jqjacobs.net: Astronomy Formulas By James Q. Jacobs
Lunar and solar periodicity formulas,definitions, time formulas, notation. Page one of two.
Keyword: astronomy , astronomy formulas , earth , epoch , formula , lunar , moon , orbit , periodicity , sidereal , time , tropical , year

jqjacobs.net: Astronomy Formulas By James Q. Jacobs
Lunar and solar periodicity formulas,definitions, time formulas, notation. Page one of two.
Keyword: astronomy , astronomy formulas , earth , epoch , formula , lunar , moon , orbit , periodicity , sidereal , time , tropical , year

husserlpage.com: Husserl Page
Internet resources concerning Edmund Husserl, the 20th-century German philosopher.
Keyword: edmund husserl , epoche , genesis , husserlian , husserliana , lebenswelt , phenomenological , phenomenology , reduction

theepochtimes.com: Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News | Epoch Times
The Epoch Times - A Fresh Look at Our Changing World. Includes international, national, business, China, sports, entertainment news from eight nations.
Keyword: australia , canada , china , entertainment , epoch , international , ireland , language , news , sports , times , uk , us , world

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