Results 61 - 75
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community.livejournal.com: Affection Addicts Anonymous' Journal
A LiveJournal community. A forum to discuss addiction to affection.
Listed under: Chats and Forumsallphilosophy.com: All Philosophy
Debate Philosophy at All Philosophy - get answers to life's big questions! Does God Exist? Should abortion be allowed? Are men and women, or people of different colors...
Keywords: abortion, aristotle, bored, community, debate, discussion, god, home, homophobia, life, philosophics, philosophy, questions, racism, work
Listed under: Chats and Forumsforumgarden.com: Personal Forums
Big Business, Small Business, Investments, and Personal Finances ... A forum to discuss your work and issues regarding employment
Keywords: community, debate, discussions, forum, forumgarden, forums, forums, friends, groups, news, personal, personal forums, talk
Listed under: Chats and Forumsmilitarytimes.com: Military Times Home
Your online source for everything Military: Military News, pay, benefits, photos, videos, discussions, blogs and military discounts
Keywords: , benefits money careers & education, community, entertainment, marketplace, military news, military news benefits, off duty
Listed under: Militaryinforms.org: Aps / Community / Iol Home - Informs.Org
Content Management System
Keywords: cms, content management, e-commerce, publish
Listed under: Probabilitygenerationsinc.org: Generations Incorporated
Generations Incorporated, a Boston-based nonprofit, unites older adults and youth in partnership to strengthen individuals and communities.
Keywords: americorps, boston, community, education, generations, intergenerational, literary, older adults, volunteer, volunteering
Listed under: Intergenerationalcommunity.livejournal.com: The Sxe Community'S Journal
The sXe community on LiveJournal.
Keywords: community, community, journal, journal, medlir, straight edge, straightedge, straight-edge, sxe
Listed under: Straight Edgecommunity.livejournal.com: Adult Content Notice
A LiveJournal community, for those who are interested in polyamory, to discuss the philosophy and practice of the polyamorous lovestyle.
Listed under: Polyamorysapolice.sa.gov.au: South Australia Police
Resource for police and community services information.
Keywords: community, crime, firearms, fraud, individual, national police certificate, police, police check, sapol, south australia
Listed under: Law Enforcementsolhaam.org: Family, Sex And The Individual
The report investigates casual sex and its effects on individuals, family and community. It also investigates dominance and confrontation within the family and in the wor...
Keywords: behaviour, community, dominance, feminism, individual, people, role of family, sex, sexual relations, women's liberation
Listed under: Sexual Politicsilovephysics.com: Ilovephysics.Com :: Free Online Physics Help, ...
Discuss physics education and related topics that come up in discussions about physics.
Keywords: community, physics
Listed under: Physicsedcommunity.esri.com: Esri's Online Database Of Academic Gis Programs
ESRI is the world leader in GIS (geographic information system) technology. This site features free GIS software, online mapping, online training, demos, data, software a...
Keywords: arcinfo, arcview, esri, free gis software, geographic information systems, gis, gis software, mapobjects, mapping software
Listed under: Geographic Information Systemsunidata.ucar.edu: Unidata Internet Data Distribution (Idd)
The Unidata community of over 150 universities is building a system for disseminating near real-time earth observations via the Internet.
Keywords: community, data distribution, idd, internet, near real-time earth observations, observing system, unidata, universities
Listed under: Data Centersphysicsworld.com: Current Events: Page 1 - Physicsworld.Com
physicsworld.com - news, views and information for the global physics community from Institute of Physics Publishing
Keywords: astronomy, atomic, community, cosmology, institute, iop, molecular, news, nuclear, opinion, particle, physics, publishing
Listed under: Physicsscilife.net: Scilife | Mapping The Scientific Landscape
SciLife - mapping the scientific landscape
Keywords: community, landscape, map, research, science
Listed under: Researchers
Results 61 - 75
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