Results 76 - 90
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bioinformatics.org: Bioinformatics Organization - Bioinformatics.Org
Bioinformatics community open to all people. Strong emphasis on open access to biological information as well as Free and Open Source software.
Keywords: bioinformatics, careers, community, computational biology, courses, development, education, employment, jobs, research, software
Listed under: Bioinformaticsafricancommunity.net: Afican Community International - The African ...
Features message boards, a calendar of events, online surveys, and a collection of resources.
Listed under: Africanbutyoudontlooksick.com: Butyoudontlooksick.Com
A community for support, education, and inspiration for anyone living with a disibility, invisible disease, or chronic pain and features articles, health tips, message bo...
Keywords: chronic pain, community, essays, forum, health tips, invisible disease, lupus, medical, message board, spoon theory
Listed under: Issuesafb.org: Calendar Of Events - American Foundation For The Blind
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), a U.S. nonprofit organization enabling blind or visually impaired people to achieve equality and access. Provides information and...
Keywords: afb, blind, blindness, vision disability disabilities problems, vision impairment, visual impairment, visually impaired
Listed under: Conferencesmeetup.com: Meetup
Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world
Keywords: club, community, event, group
Listed under: Chats and Forumscommunityjustice.org: The Center For Court Innovation
News and information on the experience of successful community justice programs.
Listed under: Crime and Justice Issuescommunityalternatives.org: Center For Community Alternatives - ...
Contains program details, information on justice strategies, news, and publications.
Listed under: Crime and Justice Issuesa2000greetings.com: A2000greetings
A social site thats fun and creative. With miscellaneous free things, global news, link directory, community forum, web site building, and software. Games, poetry, downl...
Keywords: community, free games, global news, loads of stuff, poetry, software, sports, web site content
Listed under: Entertainmentcommunitybuildinginstitute.org: Community Building Institute ...
Founded to help communities improve the way they conduct public business to be more inclusive, more collaborative, and more effective. Based in Annandale, Virginia.
Listed under: Community Buildingguyana-tourism.com: Guyana Tourism Authority
The official website of the Guyana Tourism Authority featuring Nature, Adventure, Birding, Eco-tourism, Sports Fishing, Events, Sports, Community based tourism
Keywords: adventure, adventure, birding, birding, community, eco-tourism, events, guyana, guyana, nature, nature, sports
Listed under: Guyanacocoscoop.bizland.com: Cocos Co-Operative Society - This Society Is ...
The Cocos Co-operative Society is situated on the beautiful and remote atoll of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
Keywords: cocos islands, cocos malay, community, keeling, people, society, welcome
Listed under: Cocos Islandsbcfamily.ca: A Local, Vancouver-Based Online Magazine For Families
A go-to site for local and international information about parenting, children and families and a fresh perspective on what’s happening and what’s possible in your commun...
Keywords: child, children, community, education, families, fatherhood, motherhood, nutrition, parenting, schooling, sustainability
Listed under: Parentspoipoi.info: Poi Poi&Reg; - Poi Spinning
Leading Manufacturer of poi, fire poi, staff and juggling products with comprehensive online shop and FAST delivery. Learn to spin poi with free online tutorial lessons....
Keywords: community, diablo, fire poi, flowersticks, juggling, learn poi, outdoor toys, poi, poi lessons, prop shop, staff twirling
Listed under: Shoppingmy.quadsville.com: Get It! Business Search
Ask medical, advertising and home improvement questions.
Listed under: Home Repairguyana-tourism.com: Guyana Tourism Authority
The official website of the Guyana Tourism Authority featuring Nature, Adventure, Birding, Eco-tourism, Sports Fishing, Events, Sports, Community based tourism
Keywords: adventure, adventure, birding, birding, community, eco-tourism, events, guyana, guyana, nature, nature, sports
Listed under: Guyana
Results 76 - 90
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